
Please allow me, my dear friend, to introduce myself and share a small part of my story.

My name is Olga Burova, Doctor of Tibetan  Medicine, Founder of Burovahelps Clinic, Certified Holistic Health Practitioner and Clinical Nutritionist with Master Degree.  I was born in Ulan-Ude, a city near Lake Baikal in the Siberian part of Russia, Center of  Buddhism in USSA, now Russia.

When I was a young child, my Mother, who was then in her early 30’s, was diagnosed with kidney failure.  The doctors told my father to prepare me for my her possible death.  That was more than 40 years ago.  My mother, however, is still with us today…healthy, active, and vibrant.  She owes her life to a local Ulan-Ude healer by the name of Galdan L. Lenkhoboev, one of the world’s foremost practitioners of Tibetan Medicine.

You can read about him in the book “Галдан Ленхобоев: Благословенная Судьба”Издательский проект Буряад-Монгол Ном , 2014.  My apologies that there is no English translation option at this time.  There you can find pages about me and my work.

I was blessed to be a student of Dr. Lenkhoboev for 10 years.  After many years of study with him,  I could fill a book with many astonishing stories like my mother’s.  Dr. Lenkhoboev died because of an accident  in 1984.  However, I am part of the healing legacy he left on this Earth.  His influence kindled within me a passion for anything related to health and healing.

At the age of 17, I attended St. Petersburg State University of Russia, from which I graduated six years later with a Masters Degree in Nutrition.  In the decades that followed, I have had the opportunity to travel extensively in the Far East, and have met many gifted practitioners of Chinese and Tibetan Medicine.  However, I have yet to encounter anyone who could diagnose a person’s condition just by taking their pulse, which I witnessed many times with Dr. G.Lenkhoboev.  He told me it took him more than 40 years to learn how to heal.  His teacher was his uncle, a famous Tibetan monk who also taught the Dalai Lama.

After finishing  University, I was working at the Oncology Clinic of St. Petersburg for about 15 years.  My experience with cancer patients left me with more questions than answers.  Those questions fueled my resolve to find answers, and I have been relentless in my search for them.  I do appreciate the accomplishments of Modern Medicine, yet there are many aspects of it with which I disagree.  Therefore, I have spent many years of independent study in order to understand the functioning of the human body as a WHOLE SYSTEM.  This pursuit includes Macrobiotics, the Theory of Systems and Cybernetics, The Stress Theory of Disease, Ayurveda, Homeopathy,  Esoteric Psychology, Kinesiology, Radionics and more.  I studied Neuroscience at Harvard University (U.S.), and now I’m completing my PhD.

In addition to many years of self-study when I moved to U.S., I am now a certified Holistic Health Practitioner with Masters of Reiki, Energy Balancing, Spiritual Counseling, and Chakra Balancing.  I am currently a member of The American Association for Drugless Practitioners, and The American Society of Alternative Therapists.

Also, in order to combat the effects of aging, I have also completed course work at The Paul Mitchell Cosmetology Center with a License in Cosmetology.

The most exciting discovery in my  journey occurred when I was introduced to the new Science of Nutritional Balancing (NB).  The reason being, that it combines the best of what I have learned from ancient Eastern Medicine, with that of scientifically driven Western Medicine.  Dr. Lawrence Wilson, M.D. became my teacher and mentor at Westbrook University.  After finishing my study with Dr. Wilson, I worked with the Analytical Research Lab here in U.S.  However, the biggest impact on my depth of understanding of this Science came from  Dr. David L.Watts, PhD. , Director of Research for Trace Elements Lab.

Studying Nutritional Balancing Science  answered many of the questions I had carried with me since my days in the oncology wards in St. Petersburg.  Nutritional Balancing provided the scientific proof behind the theory and practice of the medicine taught by Dr.G. Lenkhoboev. Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA ) provides visibility into what is happening inside the cells of the body.  We are able to see imbalances in a person’s health physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.  These imbalances can be corrected along with health issues resulting from these imbalances.  These problems can be minimized or even eliminated through personal supplementation and other appropriate methods.

The Medical Community does not have all the answers, Nature does.  I am not as smart as Mother Nature, I cannot do what She can.  I can only show You a way back to your essential Self-Nature to align with Mother Nature.  She will take care of her child.

I share my knowledge and experiences with anyone who is willing to learn.  I help them to get to a place of balance and harmony within the body, without pain, on a physical and spiritual level.  A place where we can enjoy every moment of our Being.  I would love to help You too, if you’ll let me.  After almost 20 years of practicing the Nutritional Balancing Science, I can say that it is not the fastest and easiest way to repair  and rebuild, yet it is the only way back to Whole Health.  We can’t solve a problem with the same mind which created it.  I will help you understand why you actually have the problem, and, what steps to take to make it better.  No one can heal you, but YOU!  You need to know how and have the proper tools and understanding.  I teach those who are ready to make lasting changes.

I am also trying to make changes in our present Medical System for to create a new profession in medical field – Doctor of Preventive Medicine.  I give student lectures at The Medical Institute of the University of People’s Friendship in Moscow, Russia.  This is done both online and through my travel to Russia.  I share with Medical Professionals my knowledge in English and Russian throughout the world.  For Russian-speaking people on YouTube  are a few of those lectures  with English subtitles  for others.

To see and hear those lectures You can just put : Burovahelps  in search on YouTube  ( only 2  interviews without English subtitles).

Below it is all just in Russian :

1.  Введение в Nutritional Balancing Science :   https://vimeo.com/347971353

2. Ответы на критику анализа волос :   https://vimeo.com/350719129

3. Теория Стресса Х.Селье и NBS : https://vimeo.com/361000858

4. Сердечно-сосудистые заболевания и NBS : https://vimeo.com/352204722

5. Диабет и NBS : https://vimeo.com/364572311

Here you can read commonly asked questions about Hair Mineral Analysis testing from the Q&A book from Trace Elements

We will learn faster and more deeply if we do it together.  After all, we are ALL PARTS OF THE ONE.

With Love,

Olga Burova